


Epiweb-IIS Hygrolon Gallery Support Dealers Contact


Here we show some examples of what you can do with Hygrolon.

Stone montage

Click on the picture for a larger view!

Building bakgrounds

Note: You can add a dry pigment to the PU-foam that is used as adhesive to prevent it to shine through

Click on the picture for a larger view!

Treetrunk with built in water reservoir

Click on the picture for a larger view!

Make your own Hygrolon substrate

Hygrolon makes it very simple to produce substrate in the exact design and structure you want. From big chunky pieces down to dust like particles.

In the video below you can see how easy and fast you can do it!

Click here for video!


EpiWeb and Hygrolon are registred trademarks of Dusk Tropic . Email: